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Q. What does the comment in the notes column mean?
A. This comment refers to the primary exam delivery mode/attendance type for each unit. The expectation is that all students enrolled in a unit attempt the exam as per the stated delivery mode/attendance type.
Q. What do I do if I can't attend an exam?
A. If you experience serious and unavoidable difficulties at exam time, you can consider applying for Special Consideration. Visit the Special Consideration page for information on the application process, supporting documentation requirements, and timeframes.
Q. I have an online exam that will be invigilated via Zoom. How does this work?
updated 21/02/25
SESSION 1, 2025 (exam period 10 - 27 June 2025):
MQBS Term 1, 2025 (24 - 30 Mar 2025):
MQ College Term 1, 2025 (14 - 17 Apr 2025):
Ø if your exam has a multiple-choice section, make sure you bring a pencil to fill in the answer sheet. Using a pen makes it difficult for the auto-marking machine to read your answers. Pencils will not be provided in the exam room.
Ø If you are not using your MQ Campus Card as your form of photo identification, you will need to know your student ID number so that you can complete this information on your formal exam attendance form and exam paper/materials. Tip: make sure you memorise your student ID number.
Ø If your exam has reading time, you are not permitted to fill-in any personal details on your attendance form, exam paper, etc. Reading time is strictly for reading only.
Ø When working time commences, the first step is to fill out your attendance form (yellow sheet). This is very important as it is the first thing that is collected by the supervisor/s in the early part of the exam when they perform the official check of your photo ID card against your written details. By completing your attendance form before working on any of the exam questions, the supervisor will not need to remind you to do so and hence disturb you during your working time. You should also complete your personal details on your exam paper, workbook(s), answersheet, etc. before starting your answers.
Ø If presenting a digital licence (on your phone) as your form of photographic ID, the supervisor will need to ask you to present it to them to check against the attendance form when perform this step during the early part of the exam.
Ø No student will be given any extra time once the exam finishes to complete any forms or writing your details on your exam paper and/or workbooks. This is the reason why you must complete all personal details on the attendance form, exam paper, booklets, answer sheet, etc. as soon as writing time commences.