Macquarie University

Formal Examination Timetables

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(updated 28 June 2024)

SESSION 1, 2024 (exam period 3 - 21 June 2024):

  • 24 April 2024, 1pm: Release of draft exam timetable
  • 08  May 2024, 1pm: Release of final exam timetable
  • 29  May 2024, 1pm: Release of on-campus student room & seat allocations and/or Zoom links if applicable (students login to view this information via Student Personalised Timetable)
  • 03 - 21 June 2024: Session 1 2024 exam period

    Supplementary exam period:
  • 28 June 2024, 4pm: Supplementary exam timetable released (dates and times) 
  • 01 July 2024, 5pm: Supplementary exams - release of on-campus room & seat allocations and/or Zoom links if applicable (students login to view this information via Student Personalised Timetable)
  • 04 - 16 July 2024: Supplementary Session 1 2024 exam period

 MQ College Term 3, 2024:

  • 24 June 2024, 1pm: Release of final exam timetable
  • 03 July  2024, 1pm: Release of on-campus student room & seat allocations (students login to view this information via Student Personalised Timetable)
  • 08 - 09 July 2024: Term 3 2024 exam period

MQBS (MBA & MAF) Term 3, 2024:

  • TBA

Students - log in to your Student Personalised Timetable for further information and individualised timetable

Q. What does the comment in the notes column mean?
A. This comment refers to the primary exam delivery mode/attendance type for each unit. The expectation is that all students enrolled in a unit attempt the exam as per the stated delivery mode/attendance type. 

Q. What do I do if I can't attend an exam?
A. If you experience serious and unavoidable difficulties at exam time, you can consider applying for Special Consideration. Visit the Special Consideration page for information on the application process, supporting documentation requirements, and timeframes. 

Q. I have an online exam that will be invigilated via Zoom. How does this work?

A. This type of exam will be invigilated (supervised) by the central examinations staff via Zoom and delivered via iLearn. A detailed information guide is available: full student guide. A short guide is also available. Log-in to your Student Personalised Timetable for further information.
Need further help or have a question?  Please visit our Exam FAQs page.